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Payments by bank account vs. mailed checksWhy paying with a bank account has its perks.
Selecting a subscription sizeLearn about what size represents and how to select the right one for your community.
Payments by bank accountInformation about subscribing with a bank account.
Payments by credit/debit cardAdditional information about making a payment with a card.
Payments by checkInformation about subscribing with mailed checks.
Updating your payment methodInstructions for selecting a different paymet method for your subscription.
What is the CVC?Learn what a CVC is and where it is located on a card.
Who is the invoice recipient?Overview of who an invoice recipient is.
Changing the invoice recipientInstructions for updating the invoice recipient.
Adjusting your subscription sizeHow to increase or decrease the account threshold you're subscribed to.
Accessing past receipts/invoicesWhere to find past receipts and invoices on your website.
Canceling your website subscriptionInstructions for canceling a subscription to the deluxe plan.