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Sending blast emailsInstructions for how to create and send blast emails.
About blast text messagesQ&A about blast text message credits, assigned phone numbers, supported phone carriers, and more.
Text message creditsInformation about how text message credits are calculated.
About automated letter mailingPricing and instructions for sending mailed letters through our service.
Attaching multiple files to a blast emailInstructions for adding files to a blast email.
Viewing the communication detailsWhere to view details for communications sent from the website.
Communication statusesExplanation of the sending statuses for emails, text messages, and mailed letters.
About What's Happening emailsAn overview of what this email includes and how to manage its frequency.
Updating the What's Happening email sending frequencyInstructions for updating how often you'd like the What's Happening emails to go out.
What is a dropped message?Explanation of what a dropped message means and how to diagnose it.
About the email auditor toolHow the email auditor works and what's used for.
Remedy suppressed email addressesCommon underlying reasons for suppressed email addresses and how to remedy them.