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Online payment balances and deposits
Online payment balances and deposits

Information about online payment balances and bank deposits.

Meredith Owens avatar
Written by Meredith Owens
Updated over 9 months ago


Once your community has set up online payments, there are two balances you will see in the "Online Payments" section of the Admin Portal.

  • Available balance: Funds that are ready to be transferred to your deposit account will display here. These funds will automatically be transferred into your community's deposit account.

  • Pending balance: Processed funds waiting to clear will show here. All payments received are processed before they are considered pending. While card payments process immediately, bank payments can take between 3-5 business days to process and enter the pending stage. Funds in the pending stage take 2 business days in the United States to become available. This can vary in other countries.

And as a metric for how active your community is on the online payments platform, you can also view the total volume of all initiated payments across all online payment options. This includes transaction fees, payments that were disputed, payments that were refunded, and bank payments that did not succeed.

Bank deposits

All funds shown in the "Available balance" will be transferred on a weekly basis every Monday. If Monday is a bank holiday, the funds will arrive on the next business day.

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