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Review pending accounts

Instructions for how to review, then approve or decline newly registered accounts.

Meredith Owens avatar
Written by Meredith Owens
Updated over 7 months ago

By default, all new accounts must be approved before the member(s) can log into their member profile and access restricted content. This lets administrators verify that the member(s) are a part of the community and they've registered with accurate information.

Administrators will receive a notification by default for all newly registered members, requesting that they approve or decline the registration. Administrators can review account registration by clicking on the β€œMembers” section in the Admin Portal and selecting the β€œReview new accounts” button.

On the next page, you can review the information they filled out on the registration form, like their account type, address(es), and member information. Afterward, you can select to approve or decline the account.

Once a decision is made, an email is sent to each member on the account letting them know the outcome. If you decide to decline an account, you can optionally leave a reason for why that was decision was made, which will be included in their notification email.

You can select to have the website automatically approve all new registrations from the "Settings" page in the "Members" section. However, this is discouraged.

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