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Board members page

How to add members to the "Board members" page type.

Meredith Owens avatar
Written by Meredith Owens
Updated over 2 months ago

The "Board members" page type displays the board members in your community, along with their titles and contact information. Before adding these members to this page, they'll need to have a registered and approved account on your community's website. You can either import them into the website or invite them to register.

Adding board members

Those with the "pages" administrative privilege or page editing privilege will see an "Edit Users with "pages" administrative or editing privileges will see an "Edit page" button on the website. Clicking this button will redirect you to the Admin Portal, where you can update what is displayed on this page.

Next, click the "Add board member" button at the top of the page in the Admin Portal. Under "Board member," select the appropriate member from the drop-down menu. Then, you can add their position title and, optionally, a term end date. Once you've finished, click the "Add" button.

Managing board members

Once added, you can rearrange their order on the page by clicking and holding down the double arrow icon under the "Move" column.

To update board member information, click the pencil icon in the "Edit" column or remove members by clicking the trashcan icon in the "Remove" column.

Board member information not displaying

This page is designed to pull each member's contact information from their "Member settings" and display it on the page. If their email address and/or phone number are not displaying, this could be for two reasons:

  1. The member has chosen to hide this information in their privacy preferences located under "Member settings."

  2. The member has not registered with a phone number or email address.

You can view the particular reason why it's not displaying for a specific member by clicking on the information icon under the "Contact info" column.

Updating information

If the member would like to display this information, they'll need to visit the "Member Settings" found in the drop-down menu beneath their name when logged in.

Here, they'll want to check they've included their contact information in the "General" tab. Next, they'll need to visit the "Privacy" tab to be sure they've chosen to display this information. If they'd rather hide their phone number or primary email address they've listed in the "General" tab, they can enter a different email address or phone number to display.

Partial members

If a member did not register with an email address, an administrator with the "members" privilege can edit their profile from the "Members" section in the Admin Portal and add their email address.

Once the email address has been added, the member can then login and make the necessary adjustments to their profile's contact information and privacy preferences.


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