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Inviting members to join

Instructions for inviting members to register for a new account.

Jennifer Meyer avatar
Written by Jennifer Meyer
Updated over 9 months ago

You can invite members to join your community website via email using our easy invitation tool. This is especially useful for new websites, but the tool can be used at any time! To use it, follow these instructions:

In the Admin Portal’s “Members” section, click the "Add" button. From the drop-down, select “Invite via email.”

On the “Invite” page, alter the invitation message as desired, and enter the list of email addresses you’d like to send this to. If adding more than one email address, separate them with commas.

Check the box next to “Save this as your community’s default invitation message” to save any changes made to the default message for future use.

Then, click the "Send" button. The members included in the invitation will now receive an email inviting them to register on your community's website!

Invitation History

From here, you can also view an invitation history. On the "Invitation history" page, you can see a list of the email addresses you’ve sent invitations to, when they were invited, whether it was successful, and if they’ve joined the website yet.

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