The "Documents" page type is great for uploading meeting minutes, PDF forms, newsletters, and so much more to your website!
How to upload documents
First, visit the “Pages” section in the Admin Portal. Find your “Documents” page and click the pencil icon under the “View/edit” column.
On your "Documents" page, click on the "Upload documents" button.
Next, click the "Choose files..." button to browse your computer and select your desired documents. You can upload multiple documents at once by selecting one, holding down the "Shift" key on your keyboard, and selecting the others. The total size of the files being uploaded must be under 20mb (learn more).
Lastly, click the "Upload" button. This will import each of the files selected into the page.
Reordering documents
Once uploaded, you can reorder files by clicking the arrow icon under the "Move" column and dragging it up or down to adjust its order in the list.
Deleting documents
To delete a document, click on the red trashcan icon under the "Delete" column. Then, confirm that you'd like to take this action.
Renaming a document
To rename a document, click on its title and enter the file name you want to display. Then, click the green check mark to save this change.
Replace documents
If you need to replace an outdated document, you can use the replacement feature on the "Documents" page type! Here, click the paper and pencil icon under the "Replace" column.
On the next page, click the button to replace the file with the same file type as the original document (e.g., PDF). This is required so the URL—which contains the file extension—won't change, ensuring any links to the document continue to work. Once uploaded, click the "Replace" button.
Transferring documents
If a document needs to be moved to another "Documents" page, you can quickly transfer a document from one page to another. To do so, click on the arrow icon under the "Transfer" column.
On the next page, select the documents page you'd like to move the file to from the drop-down menu. Once selected, click the "Transfer" button. The file will automatically be relocated to the selected page!