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Step down as administrator

How to step down from having administrative privileges on the website.

Nicole Piccione avatar
Written by Nicole Piccione
Updated over a week ago

In addition to granting others members administrative privileges, we understand things change over time and there will be instances when a current administrator will need to step down from being an admin or transfer their administrative privileges to another member. 

A few situations when this may be helpful is when an admin is moving away from the community, stepping down from the board, or passing the responsibility on to a new member.

Before stepping down, here are a few things you should know:

  • This will remove all administrative privileges from your member profile.

  • You will remain active as a normal member.

  • You cannot undo this action yourself.

Step down 

In the "Member Settings," members with administrative privileges can voluntarily step down from being an administrator from the "Admin" tab. Here, click on the "Step down" button. 

Transfer administration

If a member is the only one with full administrative privileges, they'll be required to transfer their administrative privileges to a new member. To do this, click on the drop-down menu under "New administrator" to select a registered member. Then, click on the "Step down" button.

When a new administrator is selected, they'll have full administrative privileges. Additionally, if your personal billing information is attached to this website, please update it to new information before transferring administration.

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